Tag: Leftover Tip

Avocado Pesto Salad

Avocado Pesto Salad

This is a truly quick meal that you can have on the table in less than 15 minutes. A beautiful salad with peppery rocket, sweet prawns, fresh broccoli and a herby pesto.

Bacon and Pea Risotto

Bacon and Pea Risotto

Some recipes are fast and frantic whilst some are slower and soothing. Risotto, for me, falls into the latter. Yes it does require constant supervision, but that is part of the joy. This is cooking that is good for the soul, try out my Bacon and Pea Risotto.

Tuna Nuggets

Tuna Nuggets

These Tuna Nuggets are the epitome of store cupboard cooking. I will always have the ingredients to whip these up. These are so easy and use ingredients that you may already have.

Apple Pie Pancakes

Here in Britain we will consume 117 million pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. Here is one filling you can make to take your pancakes to the next level. Apple Pie Pancakes.